Thursday, October 29, 2015

Make Money Online - Top 10 Ways

Money is the only phrase which attracts users from a highly skilled business man to a common young child. Teenagers are known as the most vital asset of a nation, but usually they spend most of their time playing video games and surfing the internet which is destroying their capabilities. According to the scientific approach Teens are the brightest aspect of the world, so its time to make them realize that instead of wasting their precious time on uneventful activates they need to concentrate on building their future. However, they are adopting insignificant traditions due to lack of proper guidance. 

This is the reason why they accept every proposal which is offered online. Teenagers of 21stcentury are smart and courageous enough to start their own online business which will allows them to earn extra cash. Few teenagers, as young as fourteen have discovered unique ideas to earn, more then a man working from a nine to five job. Usually they required some sort of money to fulfill their needs.  They can give a huge boost to their pocket money if they are keen to earn. There are many ways they can make extra money on-line or off-line, as their interest. However, it appears to be an uphill task but if They maintain balance between online working and daily life success can be achieved. So today we will discuss how young teens can earn more money online.

Earning Money with Paid to Click Programs:

PTC Paid to click programs, are the easiest ways of earning online which provides heaps of money in just few clicks. It works on clicking ads whenever, any one clicks those ads he will get paid according to the ad rates. PTC is so simple, that a kid can handle it handsomely well.  Internet is flooded with PTC websites, which are truth worthy and can give perfect results. So just Google it and Start earning.

Selling products online on EBAY and AMAZON:

Selling goods online is one of the most popular ways to earn extra money, and teens have all capabilities to nailing it. EBAY and Amazon are most prominent online E-store where users buy and sell their products in reasonable prices. To be successful in selling goods correct strategy is essential. Teens can buy products in low rates and can sell them in high prices to earn large profit. They should continue this circle of buying and selling till they receive outstanding results.

Designing a LOGO to earn money:

Teens are known for their creativity this is the reason why most they have vast knowledge about designing. they love to play with colors and prefer designing Logos. There are many online companies which require logo for their community and on this occasion teenagers can convert their talent into money by designing awesome logo. To design perfect logo they need to learn Photoshop, and if they have full command on Photoshop then they can work as professional designers. Learning Photoshop is not complicated at all it requires just few months to get use to it. Following are website where teens can sell their logos.

Start Blogging and Earn More Convincingly:

Blogging always has high regards hence it is becoming an ideal profession for a blogger. Teenagers have youthful ideas to start off their blogging career with flying colors, due to which most teenagers are giving importance to blogging. All they need to do is to implement correct strategy of blogging by writing quality based content. It provides gorgeous amount even though it requires lots of hard work and patience. When ever a young blogger starts his blogging career he usually gives importance to visitors, which is the right way to go. Blogging is most preferred way for them as in few years it has convinced most of users to make blogging their passion.

Giving Lessons Online – Teaching:

Scientifically teens are the most promising aspect of a nation. Teenagers are capable enough to start their own online community. Where they can teach other on specific topics and can earn lavishly. By sharing their inspiring ideas they are not only educating others but also providing awareness among the younger generation.

Vlogging – Earning on YouTube:

Vlogging is a shorter version of Video Blogging it is a type of blogging in which video is used as a medium. With Vlogging teenager can make money easily without any stress. They can start off their career in Vlogging by creating a video on any topic that they like the most i.e. SEO, Blogger, Cooking, Sport and etc, once the video is created they can upload it to YouTube and can make extra money with their Google Adsense account.  

Earning Easily with Online Surveys:

Doing Online surveys are the easiest way to earn excellent amount in just few hour, and teenagers are the most applicable candidate for it. Online surveys works on answering few questions, giving your personal opinion about a certain product which is offered online by the company. So teens can earn more easily by simply giving their reviews. It requires least hard work and offers maximum earning. Following are the few websites which offer online surveys.

Write Articles and Make More Money – Freelancing:

Some teenagers face some problems in starting their career in blogging. Biggest difficulty they face is SEO Search engine optimization due to lack of SEO they are unable to attract audience. This is the reason why they are not making any money with their Blog. So those Teenagers who loves blogging, are not aware of SEO can write articles for different websites and can get paid for each article entry. Following are the websites which pays on per article submission.

Earn Money By Answering Questions – Web Answers:

Web Answer is the most reliable and dedicated place for teenagers to make extra money by answering questions. Teens can select specific question categories and can give desirable answers. If the asker thinks that your answers are perfect enough then you will be paid for answering. Looks pretty simply, requires less hard work and gives perfect results its worth trying.

Earn Money with Google Adsense – Most Reliable:

Google Adsense is the most reliable advertising programs when it comes to earning online.  About 40 percent Google Adsense users are teenagers who linked their account to their parents, because you must be 18 year or above to get illegible to hold an Adsense account. Google Adsense allows you to monetize your blog with perfect ads related to your niche.

From The Editor’s Desk:

So, guys these are the most common ways for teenagers to earn extra money without any stress. However, these are not the only ways for kids to earn online, internet is full of exciting methods of making money online. I hope you have enjoyed the treat. Your suggestions will be appreciated that’s it for now guys Till Then peace blessings and happy earning.

How to Automatically Tweet When Publish a new Post in Blogger

Do you want to minimize the time of tweeting your newly published posts on Twitter? So, today I am writing an article which is going to help you to add automatically feed posts to Twitter.  We know that most of the users take it annoying to share feeds on twitter for each post yet it is important too. That means we cannot neglect the twitter, as social media is very much crucial in blogging. Therefore in order to minimize that effort we are going to share a guide which will help you that how to auto-feed blog posts to twitter.

How to Automatically Tweet When Publish a new Post in Blogger

So, here are the steps which you need to follow in order to auto-feed blog posts to twitter. Now without taking your more time I am taking you right towards the steps;

First of all, Sign up for or if you already have that account then simply sign in. 
After signing in, you need give name for your Feed and insert your Blog’s URL.

Now you need to click on Advanced Settings.

Then you need to set the time for Twitterfeeds to check your blog for new updates to auto-feed blog posts accordingly. You can set the time under Update Frequency section in front of Check for new Posts Every then set time.
You can also add keywords in advanced settings tab and ones you are done, click onContinue.

Now you need to click on Done.

Now whenever you’ll publish new article on your blog then it will be automatically posted on twitter.

So, this was our tutorial to auto-feed blog posts to twitter. We are sure now your work of manual posting on twitter is minimized or almost finished. If you have any queries related to this article then lend your queries in the comment box. We shall assist you in your queries.

Was it helpful? If it was then don’t forget to share this with other bloggers too. You may never know that your share may help any of your friends out there who is searching for the same stuffs

How to Add Facebook Page Plugin in Blogger

Do you want to attract more and more subscribers to your blog? Here, we will tell you how to do that by just adding a simple Facebook widget to your blog. Since Facebook is one of the most used social networks, it helps your subscribers to get recent updates of your blog via their Facebook accounts. Once they log in to their account they are able to know all about the recent activities of your blog which is twinkling on their newsfeed.  Recently, Facebook released a new page like box widget. In this article, we will show you How to add Facebook Page Plugin in blogger.

What is Facebook Page Plugin?

Facebook page plugin is in short the replacement of the Facebook Like box. However, it works exactly like the previously known like box. 
The functions are the same but it comes with extra layer of improved look which also shows facebook cover photo. You can display your recent page posts, showing some random people who liked your page and etc.

Why Facebook Widget are Important?

Everyone craves for a blog having high traffic and millions of subscribers. Facebook now paves your way from dream to reality. Facebook widget is the most top-rated way to attract viewers and forcing them to become your permanent subscribers.It not only keeps your old fans tied to your blog but it has been observed blogs having such features are attracting more fans by each passing day.

Following are the most popular widgets for Facebook. If your blog lack them, then I would say it is your prime responsibility to add them and let your business grow.

Facebook POP Likebox:
Once you furnish your account with a Facebook widget, a Facebook like pop-up window will appear every time a visitor visits your blog for the first time.
  1. Floating Facebook Likebox:  It comforts users to like your Facebook fan page from any page on your site rather than forcing them back to go to the homepage searching for like box.
  2. Share Button:It gives your subscribers the authority to share your content to their Facebook profiles. It is highly recommended to add this widget since it will attract the subscriber’s friends as well and they too will stick to your blog. Learn how to addshare button in blogger.
  3. Page Badge:It comes real handy when you want a boost in your traffic. It will connect your Facebook page and website by sharing information from page to your website.
  4. Like button: Facebook like button ases your users by allowing them to publish content and activity to Facebook.

How to Add New Facebook Like box in Blogger:

Adding a Facebook Plugin is quite easy. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps:

The very first thing you need to do is to visit Facebook Page Plugin. You will find a few options to customize the appearance of your page plugin.
Provide your Page URL, choose the width and height of your page plugin. Since, the plugin shows the cover page on to the widget you can simply hide it from the plugin in case you don't want it to appear. You can also choose whether to show your latest page posts or not.

If you are not a techsavvy person than leave all the options blank, but do not forget to add the URL to your facebook page. Once you are satisfied with the customizations you can press the get code button to continue.
Facebook will give you two codes, copy the first code and paste it above the </head> tag in your blogger template. Additionally you can also paste the code, ideally right after the opening <body> tag.

Now, Copy the second code and paste it anywhere you would like to display the facebook page like box. We recommend you add it in your sidebar by going to Layout >> Add a Gadget.

I must say in order to increase your blog’s publicity; you should never miss out on such useful widgets which will clear the way for more people to subscribe to your blog. A blog which has all the modern features pleases the fans and helps them to get more and more benefits from your blog. So, what are waiting for? Go and get your Facebook widgets and let people know you in a broader sense via your blog.

How to Automatically Change Background Color in Blogger

Are you willing give something new to your users each time they visit your site? Then today with the help of little CSS trick we will  help you to change the background color of your site every time a visitor visits or reloads a page on your blogger site. So, in order to help you out in it we are sharing this tutorial. Today in this article, we will show you, how to automatically change background color in blogger.

How Changing Background Works?

Before moving towards the tutorial and let us explain that how this method works? Actually, it is jQuery script which automates the process of changing post background colors in jQuery with every refresh. Whenever your blogger post page is refreshed then it changes the color of your blogger site.

That means with every single refresh, your reader will experience unique and new t background color which will surely attract your readers and will make them stick with your posts.

How to Automatically Change Background color in Blogger

So, here are the steps which you need to follow in order to start adding different background colors in any of your blogger site or to add different colors to each of your blogger post automatically.
  1. First of all, Sign in to your Blogger account and click on your blog name. 
  2. After that, you need click on Template from side bar. 
  3. Then, you are supposed to click on Edit HTML.
  4. Now click anywhere your blogger template coding and then Press Ctrl+F and you will have a search bar. Using that search bar, search for </head> in your blogger template and just above it paste the following code:

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
function get_random_color(){var e="0123456789ABCDEF".split("");var t="#";for(var n=0;n<6;n++){t+=e[Math.round(Math.random()*14)]}return t}$(function(){$(".post").each(function(){$(this).css("background-color",get_random_color())})})//]]></script>

Note: In case your template already includes a jquery.min.js file then don't add the following line of code in your template because this will cause things to not work.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

      5. In last, Click on Save Template.

This was our guide, which has made you learn to add appealing background colors to each of your blogger post and experience variations in color with every single refresh. We are sure it would have been proven helpful for you guys. If you have any queries left related to this article then lend your queries in the comment box. We shall get back to your queries as soon as possible.

Was it helpful? If it was then do praise our work by your shares and likes. You may never know that your share may be proven helpful for many of the users out there. So, keep sharing and liking our content over social media.

Related Topics:

How to Add Chat Emoticons in Blogger Comments

Due to increase in the use of social media platform people have a habit of using funny Smileys along with their comments. Recently, one of our user asked us that how to add chat emoticons in blogger comments? Today in this article, we will show you how to add chat emoticons in blogger comments.

Why to Add Chat Emoticon in Blogger? 

Action speaks louder than words. Similarly, chat emotions are a way to show your mood. Whenever a user leaves a comment on your site, you don’t have any idea about how he is feeling. However, if the same comment has a Angry, happy, or confused emotion image then you can easily understand that mood of the commenter. This is the reason why, a lot of commenting systems are adding emotions to there platform. And the same thing can be added to Blogger custom commenting system as well. 

How to Add Chat Emoticons in Blogger?

First of all, Sign in to Blogger and then select your Blog.

After that, you need to Click on Template From left bar and then Click on Edit HTML.

Now, Press Ctrl+F and then you’ll have search bar and then search for </body> tag using that search bar.  Ones you found the </body> tag, then paste the following code above it.

<script src=''/><script type='text/javascript'>//bloggersmileys.init();</script>

That it, after adding the above link emoticons can be used in comments. However, if you want to display emoticons short codes to help users to use them efficiently in their comments, then continue following the tutorial.

Again in the Template, search for <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> then look for </b:includable> tag and just above it paste the following script.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='noopsmile' id='noopsmile' style='background-color:#E0F7FF;background:#eee; border-radius: 7px;width:634px; padding:10px; border:1px solid #ddd'>
<img src=''/><a style='display:none;' href='' >bloggerwidgets</a><div align='right' id='close' style='font: bold 13px arial;margin-top: -14px; cursor: pointer;'> Close [x] </div></div><div id='open' style='background-color:#eee; border-radius: 7px; padding:10px;width: 87px;cursor: pointer;display:none;left: 582px;position: fixed;top: 1%;z-index:999;font-weight:bold;'> Open Emoticions</div>

After that, you need to add the CSS coding of Smileys in order to make them look as appealing as Whatsapp, facebook or any other popular social platform. Search for ]]></b:skin> tag and paste the following code above it.

.post-body img.noops-smly {
  padding: 0 !important;
  margin-top: -2px !important;

Afterwards, simply hit the Save Template button and start using those awesome smileys on your blog.

We hope this article have helped you in learning how to add chat emotions in blogger comments. We are sure it would have been proven helpful for you. If you are facing any difficulty while applying this, then lend your queries in the comment box. Any of our team members will get back to your queries.

How to Hide Author Name and Labels from Blogger Posts

Whenever you post any article on blogger, it automatically shows up author name along with labels under the post titles. or at the very end of your post depending upon yourblogger template. We have seen many newbies who want to hide author name to protect their privacy and even labels from their blogger post to make their blog look more professional. Today in this article, we will show you how to hide author name and labels from blogger posts.

How to Hide Author Name and Labels from Blogger Posts

So, here are the steps which you need to follow, so that you can easily hide the author name and labels from Blogger posts. We have divided this article into two sections so that you can easily grasp the idea and method.

Hide Author Name from Blogger Posts

To hide author names from your Blogger posts, just follow the below instructions correctly:
  1. First of all, go to Blogger and select your blog
  2. Now click on Template from sidebar and then Click on Edit HTML.
  3. After that, press Ctrl+F and search for <>
  4. Ones you found it, then simply remove it. 
  5. You will have this code more than one time in your blogger template so simply remove it from everywhere. 
  6. Save your blogger template and now you will never see any author name in your Blogger posts. 

Hide Labels from Blogger Posts

To hide labels from your Blogger posts, just follow the below instructions correctly:
  1. First of all, go to Blogger and select your blog.
  2. Now click on Template from sidebar and then Click on Edit HTML.
  3. After that, press Ctrl+F and search for the ending </head> tag.
  4. Ones you found </head> tag then simply paste the following code above the ending </head> tag.

  5.  <style>
    .post-labels {display: none;}

  6. Save your blogger template and it will hide labels from your Blogger posts.
This was our article which has made you learn to hide author name and labels from blogger posts. We are sure you guys must have availed from this article. If you have any queries or confusions left related to this article then lend them in comment box. Any of our team members will assist you in solving them.

Was it interesting? If it was then don’t forget to share this article with your other friends and circle too. You may never know that your share may be proven helpful for many of the users out there. So, keep sharing and liking our content over social media.

How to Hide/Show Widget on Mobile in Blogger

If you have ever tried to access your blog from a mobile device then you might familiar with blogger provides a mobile responsive template which is greatly responsive. However, it doesn't creates a great impact towards design. There are certain widgets which do not look good on mobile view whereas they look appealing on big screens so that in that situation you can simply hide those from your blog only for mobile view or you can show some specific widgets only for mobile view not for big screens. Today, in this article, we will show you how to hide/show widget on mobile in blogger.

How to Hide/Show Blogger Widget on Mobile View

So here are the steps you need to follow in order hide or show blogger specific widgets on mobile view and customize your blog for different screens

How to Find Widget ID in Blogger?

In case your blog is not showing any of your widget on mobile view, follow the instructions that we have mentioned below:

Go to Blogger >> Template >> Layout. Now click on Edit button of widget which you want to show on your blogger template.

Now you need to look for Widget ID which would be in the URL of your selected widget. In the URL look for widgetId it would be towards the end of the URL. If you cannot find the Widget ID then simply Copy the title of the widget and if there is no title then give a title for time being, just for the sake of search.

Show Blogger Widget on Mobile View

Go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for widget coding using Widget ID which you’ve copied in above step or widget title. (Quick Tip: You can use "Jump to widget" option available in template editor to get to the code of any widget that you like).

This will straight take you to the widget coding, now add mobile=’yes’ in the widget code just after the locked=’false’. Refer the below screenshot to add it correctly.
Now simply save your blogger template by clicking on Save template and you are done.

Hide Blogger Widget for Mobile View

Go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for widget coding using Widget ID which you’ve copied in above step or widget title.

This will lead you to the the widget coding, now add mobile=’no’ in the widget code just after the locked=’false’. Refer the below screenshot to add it correctly.
Then Click on Save template button and you are done.

We hope this article helped you in learning how to show or hide widget on mobile in blogger. If you have any queries or confusion left related to this article then lend your queries in the comment box. Any of our team members will assist you in solving them. 

What is the Difference Between Blog Posts vs. Pages in Blogger

Every now and then blogger users get confused between posts and pages. These two types of content i.e. posts and pages comes with blogger by default.  Being a beginner, users always wonder when to use post and when to consume pages because these two options are pretty much identical to each other. It appears to have a similar sort of dashboard. It looks the same on the website. Why I need to use both of them what is the difference between Posts and Pages? When should I use Posts? When should I use pages? In this article, we will compulsively explain the difference between posts vs. pages in blogger

What are Posts?

Blogger users prefer to choose posts for the majority of their site’s content. Posts are like content entries that display your site's content on the basis of publishing timing. Older posts are archived on the basis of months and years. When the posts get older, users have to dig the site to reach them. Nonetheless, there is an option called “Labels” that enables you to categorize your posts in a systematic manner.
A post usually contains timely content that is meant for educational purpose like articles, opinions, tutorials, discussion, news, entertaining an article that mutually brings up a blog. The posts appear in chronological order on the home as well as on the blog archive. They are also used in RSS Feeds so that it can deliver the latest updates and news to the subscribers. To spread or socialize your posts we commonly use Social Sharing plugins. It allows your users to share your posts on different Social networks i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Google+
Posts encourage discussion. By default, they have commenting feature that allows users to engage, and comment on a certain topic. However, you can disable this feature by turning OFF the commenting option through settings.

What are Pages?

Pages contain “Static Content” that is not time-sensible such as the about page, comment policy, privacy policy, Terms, disclaimer and so-on. However, all the publish dates are being recorded in the blogger database. Pages have no expiry because they never get outdated. For example, consider you created an about us page on your brand. Now how often do you update your about us page, may be once a year? Since, there is not date and time attached to the pages. Therefore, by default, they are not included in RSS feeds. 
Pages do not support Social buttons, nor any additional gadgets like comments because you probably don’t want to see your users commenting on either pricy policy or etc. Unlike WordPress, blogger pages are not supported hierarchical so, this is a significant lack in the platform.

In pages, we can easily change their order.  It allows us to customize the order of pages by drag and drop. The only draw-back we have is that blogger supports only 20 pages. It means on one blog you can create only 20 pages.

Posts vs. Pages (Foremost Differences):

Following are the list of few differences that we found in the both content entries.  The differences are not that significant in terms of numbers, but yet they surely need some attention. 
  • Posts are unlimited vs. Pages are NOT.
  • Posts are timely vs. Pages has no expiry.
  • Posts appears at Home Vs. Pages are NOT
  • Posts are Social friendly vs. Pages are NOT.
  • Posts has categorize vs. Pages do not have them.
  • Posts are acceptable in RSS vs. Pages are NOT.
  • Posts are meant to gain attention vs. Pages are for marketing
  • One Post cannot act as homepage vs. One Page can become a homepage.

Some frequently Asked Questions:

Which one of two is Good For SEO?
People frequently ask, are there any SEO advantage while using one or the other? Search engines always love content. However, it always prefers timely the content, one which is recent and has all the accurate information about the topic. In short, there is no need to worry about it because as a newbie try focusing on your content.

What is the purpose of Posts & Pages?
Pages are meant for marketing and promoting your stuff, like selling different kinds of products through affiliate marketing, etc. It holds that information which mainly concern regarding a particular story about a business, news, personal updates, etc. On the other hand, Posts are the key to attract attention of others. This is usually used for daily article writing.


What is Blog?

A blog is an excellent tool for creating and publishing content. It can be your website’s home base or a hub for your content, where you can write posts such as product announcements, service guides, thought leadership articles, press announcements, and more. It is basically a platform for you to share your ideas and thoughts with the world.

How a Blog Works

There are certain basic rules that you need to follow, especially if you are writing a business blog:
  • Know your audience and keep in mind the goals you’re trying to achieve through your blog. Track if these goals are being met via Google or your custom analytics tool.
  • Write down killer headlines which will improve the open-rate of your blogposts, especially if you are marketing it via Enewsletters or life-cycle emails.
  • Design your blog so that it not only looks beautiful but helps your customers to easily find items such as the RSS subscription icon, a search box, your contact information, and social sharing icons.
  • Make sure that you have categorized your topics well. Add relevant keywords and tags to your topics so that customers can easily find the blogposts.
  • Keep an eye out for spam comments and enable the comment moderation feature which allows you to filter spams.

Benefits of Maintaining a Blog

A blog is primarily a community-building tool, a place for generating leads based on new subscriptions, which might also directly or indirectly lead to a sale. It is also an excellent tool for content maximization, for instance, let’s say you have created a new video tutorial for your customers, which you’ve published on your website and on YouTube. Now, you create a blogpost for the same and market this video on your blog. Most importantly, your blog helps to nurture good relations with your customers and retain them longer.